Ever since a little girl I’ve had a passion for plants, flowers, and its medicine-as I’ve always been amazed at everything that’s in our beautiful universe.
I strongly believe in the the beauty of our nature and how we should all be connected to her. For that reason, I will forever guard in my heart everything that she has to offer.
I offer a multidisciplinary perspective as a therapeutical artist and expert in medicine for women. I’ve been providing this integral service and welfare for over 10 years. During these years I’ve supported a diverse community of women during their own path, as well as pre and post natal care. This has been done via; herbal and floral medicine, yoga and the healing and therapeutical medicine of art.
It will be a wonderful experience to bring you closer to my vision and share everything that I know and love about nature.
During my workshops, I will listen and teach you the various ways you can feed your spirit and connect to life to be more in the present.
Therefore, my most profound desire is that you connect with my teachings, and that your soul may be filled with happiness and gratitude with your surroundings- remember you have everything to be happy! just please... stop, observe and breath.
I give you a warm welcome to this corner of happiness, light and healing.
Contemplativa desde muy niña, amante de las plantas,las flores y su medicina, siempre maravillada de todo lo que rodea este bello universo, creo firmemente en lo divino de la naturaleza y que todos estamos conectados a ella y guardo como un tesoro todo aquello que ella nos ofrece.
Artista Terapeuta y Mujer Medicina, al servicio y bienestar integral femenino, por mas de 10 años caminando junto a comunidades y mujeres en sus diferentes procesos y apoyando las madres, a traves del acompañanmiento pre y post natal, pormedio de la medicina floral, Herbolaria, Yoga y la terapia sanadora que es el arte.
Sera maravilloso acercarte a mi vision y compartirte todo lo que se y mi amor por todo lo natural a traves de mis espacios de contencion, te escuchare, y enseñare de muchas formas como alimentar tu espiritu y conectarte con la vida para estar mas presente.
Porque mi deseo mas profundo es que mis palabras resuenen en ti ..y tu alma se llene de alegria y completa gratitud al contemplar todo lo que te rodea, recuerda..que ya lo tienes todo para ser feliz!
solo detente...observa ... y respira.
Te doy una calida bienvenida a este rinconcito de luz y sanacion!.
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